Any Word informed and Holy Spirit motivated burden for a great commission initiative seeks expression. Despite the desire to just do something, I believe the “something” must be cautiously done with biblical intentionality. My interest at this point is how a Christian Liberal Arts College should invest in the Great Commission. Do we recruit students to travel the world to preach, to sing, to pass out tracts, and to hold Bible...
The Pressure Yields Simple Ministry
Many of our ministries are stressed and challenged with all the things coming at us from government regulations, a down turn in economy, and a flux in cultural values both within and without the church. As I prayerfully evaluate my next steps at times I find myself longing for calm, clarity, and in all honesty, I want it to be easier. My selfish desires are unfortunately not supported any where in the Scriptures. Rather, the Scripture...
2012-2013 — Final Words and First Word
As the year comes to a close I search for appropriate ways to summarize the days and months that preceded and I ponder how to speak encouragingly about the year on the horizon. I am sure that if you were given this assignment you would have a unique perspective and approach to appropriate final words and encouraging first words. My angle is born out of the true story preserved for us in Daniel 3. As you know the three Hebrew young men defied...
Making the Most of Christmas
I bet you can’t wait for all your Christmas celebrations! For some it will be very lonely. Perhaps a loved one has passed away this past year and in some ways you are not looking forward to the holiday. Perhaps travel and schedules will not permit you to be with family or family will not be able to be with you. For some Christmas plans will be a very full, well planned, and executed holiday time very much like a flawless Christmas...
Gospel Hope for Sandy Hook Elementary
We are grieving the horrific event that resulted in the slaughter of 26 innocent unarmed young people, teachers, and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. The painful grief of this event is felt so deeply when as we hear the reports of how little ones between the ages of 6 and 7 were shot repeatedly. All we can do is ask that God would abundantly measure out His grace and mercy to the immediate families and the close friends of...