Joshua 1 details a very exciting moment in the history of Israel.

After being in Egypt for 430 years (1876-1446 BC) and after wandering in the wilderness for 40 years the nation is positioned to receive the long awaited gift of land.

Unfortunately, the gift of land could not be unwrapped and enjoyed without a challenging fight.

The land that God promised to Israel was occupied and the residents had to be driven out.

Now, although a challenge was associated with enjoying God’s gift, God did not leave Israel on their own to figure out how to occupy their new residence.

God assured the nation that the land would be theirs (1:2-4). God promised to defeat the enemies of Israel (1:5). God promised to be with Joshua, the new national leader (1:5). God promised to honor His Word in the life of Israel (1:8).

Unwrapping and enjoying the gift of land was clearly and definitely a spiritual task requiring dependence upon the Lord and His Word.

In response, the nation prepared for battle and declared their determination to follow their leader (1:10-16).

How do you think the routines of your life would differ if you approached them as spiritual tasks accomplished by the promises and the provisions of God?

May God bring us to the place where we realize that all the routines of life are spiritual tasks that require absolute dependence on the promises and on the provisions of God.