The OT Book of Isaiah includes a very strong polemic against the idols of heart that rival worship of the true and living God. Isaiah’s message in the latter half of his prophecy (Isa 44-48) is a preachment of the law that calls for exclusive devotion to the Lord our God (Ex 20:2-6; Dt. 6:4-5). In Isaiah 44 the authoritative message is that idol worship is foolishness. A godless life is bankrupt. The idolatrous graven images constructed by man cannot see, they cannot know anything, and thus they are worthless (Isa 44:10). The idol makers are deceived and more sadly they understand nothing and are thus without hope.

In contrast the living God is incomparable and His purposes for the nation cannot be defeated (Isa 44:26). Because of this the living God of the Israelite nation must be worshipped exclusively. The worldview reality presented by Isaiah is that there is only one true and living God.

Isaiah is not reluctant to speak to this worldview issue of God’s existence. In Isaiah 44 the prophet constructs a verbal attack on the pagan gods worshipped by the nation and the nations. He aggressively assaults the principles and practices of idolatry. The prophet utilizes contrasts, examples from history, along with predicted and fulfilled prophecy to assault the fantasy of other gods. He exposes the true character of idols and idol worship so that no one will desire it. Idolatry and idols are offensive and absurd when seen against the uniqueness and the glory of God’s character.

A biblical worldview must have an understanding of God. The big view of God that Isaiah lays out for his readers and for us is that the true and living God is the Creator and the Redeemer. In both these descriptions there are royal and sovereign implications. Our post Christian world is growing darker and biblically informed Christian values are diminishing. The very strong and optimistic response to this situation is clear articulate declaration of the biblical text that there is no other God. Feed your worldview with a BIG view of God.